Scaling Your Business 101: Lessons from Top Female Entrepreneurs

Reading Time : 9 minutes

Hold onto your stilettos: Did you know that women are starting businesses at 1.5 times the national average? The era of female entrepreneurship isn’t coming; it’s here, smashing glass ceilings and all.


In this guide, we’re about to unpack some of the most treasured secrets and actionable lessons from women who’ve done it all—scaled their businesses and looked fabulous while doing it. From the art of delegation to the magic of reinvestment, this article is your golden ticket to scaling your business.

If you’ve got dreams that are too big for your current biz size, and you’re itching to expand without the growing pains, my friend, this article about scaling your business, has your name written all over it.

Scaling Your Business 101: Lessons from Top Female Entrepreneurs

Scaling Your Business Challenges Specific to Female Entrepreneurs

Gender Biases and Gaps:

Let’s not sugarcoat it: from access to funding to unequal pay, entrepreneurship isn’t immune to gender biases. It’s not a “taboo topic”; it’s an issue we’ve got to face if we are to conquer it. Ever heard the phrase, “You have to work twice as hard to get half as far?” Well, let’s spill the tea—it’s often more than just a saying for women in business, especially when scaling your business.

How to Navigate the Tricky Waters:

Navigating these choppy seas requires a deft touch, a thick skin, and a well-plotted course. Here are a few lifebuoys to hold onto:

  1. Find Your Advocates: Whether it’s a mentor, a networking group, or your college roommate who’s knee-deep in the entrepreneurial hustle, surround yourself with people who’ll lift you up.
  2. Educate, Don’t Alienate: When faced with bias, it can be tempting to burn bridges. But consider educating instead—it might just build you a stronger bridge for others to cross later.
  3. Lean into Your Strengths: Let’s face it, your unique perspective isn’t just a ‘woman thing’; it’s a ‘you thing’. Use your skills and insights to carve out a niche that only you can fill.
  4. Negotiation is Your Bestie: Whether it’s for higher pay, better contracts, or fair treatment, become a pro negotiator. This is one relationship you want to invest in!
Scaling Your Business 101: Lessons from Top Female Entrepreneurs

Time-Tested Strategies

Lesson 1: Delegating Like a Queen

Girl, you can’t do it all—even though you come pretty darn close. Delegating is not defeat; it’s like being the conductor of your own orchestra. You make sure everyone plays their part so that the end result is a symphony of success and scaling your business.

Case Study: How a Top CEO Mastered Delegation

Take Sara Blakely, the CEO of Spanx. She didn’t get to billionaire status by micromanaging. She delegates tasks that aren’t her strengths so she can focus on innovation and strategy. You’re the visionary; let others help build that vision. One of her most brilliant moves? Delegation. And oh my friend, she took it to an art form.

  1. Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: Sara started by being brutally honest about her strengths and where she could use some help. She’s an idea machine and a branding genius, but the nitty-gritty of operations? It’s not her jam.
  2. Hiring Right: She was very strategic in her hiring. She brought in people who had skills that complemented her own, not just yes-men or women. This way, her team became an extension of her abilities rather than a duplicate.
  3. Open Communication: Sara fostered an environment where everyone, from janitors to executives, could pitch ideas. Delegation isn’t just telling people what to do; it’s also listening to what they have to offer.
  4. Monitoring, Not Micromanaging: Sara set up a system to get regular updates without hovering over her team’s shoulders. Trusting her team allowed them to take ownership, increasing productivity and morale.
  5. Time for Big-Picture Thinking: Delegating day-to-day tasks freed up Sara to do what she does best: strategize and innovate. She could work ‘on’ the business instead of getting caught up working ‘in’ the business.
  6. Prioritizing Self-Care: By handing over tasks, Sara also carved out time for self-care. An exhausted leader is not an effective leader, and she knows it.

Sara Blakely’s skill in delegation has been a key factor in turning Spanx from an apartment startup into a global powerhouse. So, if you want to channel your inner Sara, let go a little. Your business (and your sanity) will thank you when scaling your business. 🌟


Lesson 2: Networking—It’s Not Just Schmoozing!

Networking can feel like a speed-dating event where you’ve got two minutes to win someone over. But it’s so much more than just collecting business cards. Networking is about building relationships, not just LinkedIn connections.

Pro Tips from a Networking Maven

  • Be genuine: Authenticity trumps a rehearsed elevator pitch any day.
  • Follow-up: A quick email or note can turn a chance meeting into a valuable relationship.
  • Offer value: Networking isn’t just about what you can get; it’s also what you can give.
  • Where or bring something that begs for conversation: One of my friends brings a fancy camera with a ton of recording equipment to any business event. I wear my outlandish, bright brand colors and some fun, weird jewelry. People want to connect with you, so give them something to ask about!

Lesson 3: The Art of Reinvestment

Alright, you’ve made some coin, now what? Tempting as it is to splurge on that dream vacay or those red-bottom shoes, reinvesting back into your business is like buying seeds for a garden you want to flourish.

Real Talk on Pumping Profits Back into the Biz

  • Update your tech: Staying current keeps you competitive.
  • Training: Invest in courses or coaches that can fill your knowledge gaps.
  • Marketing: Sometimes, you must spend money to make money, and a solid marketing plan is worth its weight in gold.
scaling a business

Modern Scaling Tactics

Social Media as a Scaling Tool

The social scene isn’t just for the influencers; it’s where business magic happens, too. Instagram can be your virtual storefront, while LinkedIn does the networking for you. So, get those posts and profiles polished!

  • The Power of the ‘Gram: Use Instagram to showcase your brand, connect with customers, and even sell directly through shoppable posts. It’s basically your 24/7 billboard.
  • LinkedIn for B2B: LinkedIn is not to be underestimated if you’re more in the B2B space. A well-crafted post or article can position you as an industry thought leader.

Leveraging Tech and Tools

Seriously, don’t sleep on the tech game; it’s not a snooze fest, promise. You’ve got many rad tools at your fingertips, making scaling your business as easy as ordering your fave latte.

  • Klaviyo Kudos: Let’s face it, Klaviyo is the marketing BFF you didn’t know you needed. It does all the heavy lifting, from creating hyper-targeted email campaigns to executing multi-layered automation. It’s like having a marketer who never sleeps, and honey, who couldn’t use the extra Z’s?
  • Project Management à la ClickUp: Ah, ClickUp, the project management tool where organization dreams come true. It’s like the Marie Kondo of project management. With features like docs, reminders, goals, and even time tracking, you can keep tabs on, well, everything. Imagine a world where you’re not drowning in Post-its. It’s that good.
  • CRM Systems: If you’ve got more contacts than you know what to do with, it’s CRM time. Salesforce, HubSpot, or even Zoho can help you keep track of customer details, preferences, and history. So, you can ditch the old-school Rolodex.
scaling a business

Success Stories

Who doesn’t love a good story, especially when it’s about someone smashing goals and setting benchmarks? Buckle up, because it’s time to dive into the fabulous world of success stories that will keep you riveted and inspired.


Whitney Wolfe Herd: Swiping Right on Success

Whitney Wolfe Herd, the genius behind Bumble, flipped the script on dating apps by letting women make the first move. And oh, did that move pay off. She’s created a billion-dollar brand that empowers women and challenges societal norms. Your takeaway? Don’t be afraid to disrupt and innovate.

A few things she did to scale her business:

  • Innovative Business Model: She disrupted the dating app game by letting women make the first move, setting Bumble apart in a crowded market.
  • Expanding the Offer: Initially a dating app, Bumble expanded into networking and friend-finding, increasing its user base and revenue streams.
  • Authentic Branding: Her authenticity and commitment to empowering women created a brand people wanted to be part of.
Arlan Hamilton: From Homelessness to Venture Capital

Arlan Hamilton: From Homelessness to Venture Capital

Arlan Hamilton built Backstage Capital from the ground up, focusing on underrepresented entrepreneurs. She went from being homeless to managing a multi-million-dollar fund. Her resilience and vision show that with the right mindset and a lot of hard work, barriers can be more than just broken; they can be obliterated.

A few things she did to scale her business:

  • Niche Focus: Arlan identified underrepresented entrepreneurs as her niche and made it her mission to fund them.
  • Resilience and Determination: Even homelessness didn’t stop her. This tenacity attracted investors and entrepreneurs alike.
  • Thought Leadership: She established herself as an authority on inclusive investing, leveraging her platform to scale her venture capital fund.

Reshma Saujani: Coding Her Way to the Top

So, have you ever heard of Girls Who Code? Yep, that’s Reshma Saujani’s brainchild. She saw the gender gap in the tech industry and said, “Not on my watch.” Without knowing a single line of code, she created an organization that has educated thousands of girls in computer science. 

The girl’s got gusto! She identified a gap, turned it into an opportunity, and now she’s redefining the future of tech. Your takeaway? You don’t have to be an expert to be a changemaker. You just need vision and a dash of audacity.

A few things she did to scale her business:

  • Identifying a Gap: Reshma saw a glaring problem: the gender gap in tech. By identifying this unserved niche, she found her cause and her audience.
  • Taking the Leap: She didn’t let a lack of tech experience hold her back. Courage over comfort, darling!
  • Community Building: She nurtured a community through educational programs, creating a network effect that helped scale Girls Who Code exponentially.
scaling a business

Alright, here’s the real tea: scaling your business isn’t a luxury but a necessity. If you’re serious about this entrepreneurship game, you’ve got to level up, and it’s not just about the bottom line. It’s about extending your reach, expanding your impact, and yes, pulling in those pretty pennies. Scaling your business enables you to create a ripple effect of awesomeness, going beyond what you thought possible for yourself and your brand. So, let’s make “stagnant” a word that doesn’t even exist in your vocabulary, okay? 

Thirsty for more wisdom? You’re in luck! For a deeper dive into making your business work smarter (not harder), check out the article “Automate Your Business: Top Tools for Seasoned Entrepreneurs to Save Time and Money.” Trust me, your future scaled-up self will thank you. Click below to quench that thirst for knowledge!

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Hey hey! I’m Taylor and welcome to my world of bold and fun marketing! I started this company to bring creative ideas to life and help businesses be unforgettable.

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