10+ Best Reasons Your Business Needs a Sales Landing Page For a New Product or Service

Reading Time : 9 minutes

Are you planning to launch a new product or service soon? If yes, you’re probably thinking about how to make your launch successful. But before you start promoting it on social media or via email campaigns, let’s talk about why your business needs a sales landing page for a new product or service. While there are many things that you can do to make your launch a hit, one crucial element that you should pay attention to is having a sales landing page.

Best Reasons Your Business Needs a Sales Landing Page For a New Product or Service

What is a sales landing page?

First of all, what is a sales landing page? It’s a standalone web page to promote and sell your product or service. Unlike a homepage or a blog post, it has a specific goal: to convert visitors into customers. It typically includes a headline, a clear call-to-action, and a form to capture visitors’ information. In this blog post, I’ll explore why your business needs a sales landing page and how you can create an effective and fun one.

Best Reasons Your Business Needs a Sales Landing Page For a New Product or Service

Why does it matter?

You might be thinking: “But I already have a website. Why do I need a separate landing page?” The answer is simple: a sales landing page is specifically designed to convert visitors into customers. It’s focused on a single goal, and everything on the page is geared toward achieving that goal. Your website might have a lot of distractions, such as a navigation menu or a sidebar. On the other hand, a landing page is like a funnel that guides visitors to take a specific action.

But why is this important? Because when you’re launching a new product or service, you want to make sure you’re making the most of every visitor who comes to your website. A sales landing page lets you capture their attention and guide them through becoming customers.

productivity tips for entrepreneurs

10 Specific reasons why you need a sales landing page

Here are some of the reasons why your business needs a sales landing page for a new product or service:

  1. It helps you measure the success of your marketing campaign. With a dedicated landing page, you can track the number of visitors, the conversion rate, and other metrics. This allows you to see how well your marketing campaign performs and make adjustments as needed.
  2. Additionally, having an effective sales landing page allows you to track conversions more quickly than when driving traffic from other sources, such as Facebook Ads or Google Adwords. This way, you can measure which marketing strategies are helping generate conversions and revenue for your business. 
  3. It allows you to focus on the benefits of your product or service. There are better places to discuss your company history or team than a sales landing page. It’s all about the benefits of your product or service and how it can help the customer. This laser-focused approach can be more effective in convincing visitors to take action.
  4. It gives you more control over the customer journey. With a sales landing page, you can guide visitors through the sales funnel and control the messaging and visuals they see. This can help you create a more cohesive and persuasive message.
  5. It can increase your conversion rate. A sales landing page can be more effective at converting visitors into customers by removing distractions and focusing on a single goal.
  6. It can save you time and money. Creating a sales landing page can be less time-consuming and expensive than redesigning your entire website.
  7. A sales landing page for your new product or service means that potential customers don’t have to search through your website to find the correct information; instead, they can immediately see what they need on one page!
  8.  A great sales landing page can help differentiate between products and services, making it easier for people to understand what they are getting and how it will benefit them.
  9. With the right design and content, a sales landing page can boost engagement with your target audience by providing valuable information about the product or service they may be interested in. It also allows them to interact with your brand and ask any questions they may have before making a purchase decision.
  10. An effective sales landing page helps build trust with potential customers by showing them exactly what they will get when they invest in your product or service. Showing quality images of your product or service along with social proof (like customer reviews) gives potential customers the reassurance they need before deciding whether or not to make a purchase. 
Sales Landing Page

Strategies to use for your sales landing page

Sales landing pages are an essential tool in any successful online business strategy. It helps drive customers to your website and convert them into paying customers. So let’s look at some things to do with your sales landing page once you decide to have one created.

Sales Landing Page

Highlight Your Unique Selling Points 

Every business has something special about it, whether it’s the quality of the product or service offered, its unique features, or its customer service. When creating your sales landing page, highlight these unique selling points to attract potential customers. This will help differentiate you from other businesses offering similar products and services and remind potential customers why they should choose your business over others. Additionally, include customer testimonials on your sales landing page—positive reviews can be great social proof that encourages prospects to convert! 

Sales Landing Page

Include Incentives on Your Landing Page 

Another way to engage potential customers is by offering incentives on your sales landing page. Whether it’s discounts, coupons, free gifts, or even helpful content like eBooks or guides related to the product or service you’re selling, providing something extra on top of your offer can go a long way toward convincing people to purchase from you instead of someone else. Add social media sharing buttons so interested clients or customers can easily share your page with friends and family! This will help increase the visibility of your business and get more eyes on your amazing offers. 


Optimize Your Sales Landing Page for SEO 

Finally, ensure you optimize your sales landing page for search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is essential because it helps ensure that when people search for keywords related to the product or service you offer, they will find your website first in the search results—which means more traffic for you! Ensure that all text included on your sales landing page has relevant keywords—but not too many!—as well as meta titles and descriptions to appear correctly in search results pages (SERPs). You should also include backlinks from high-quality websites to boost SEO rankings; this will help increase visibility significantly!    

A well-crafted sales landing page can drastically improve conversion rates while driving more traffic toward your website. By highlighting unique selling points, providing incentives like discounts or free gifts, and optimizing it for SEO, any small business owner can have a fantastic and effective launch when using a landing page as one of the aspects of their launch! So don’t wait – start getting your sales landing page today!

Building an effective sales landing page takes time, money, and effort. Still, it is well worth the investment regarding increasing conversions and revenue for your business! It allows potential customers to quickly understand what you offer without being overwhelmed with too much information at once. Plus, tracking conversions becomes much easier when using a dedicated sales landing page than other marketing campaigns. So if you want more leads and better results with minimal effort, creating an effective sales landing page is worth considering!


Excellent Sales Landing Page Examples

Looking for inspiration to create a killer sales landing page? Look no further! Here are some examples of sales landing pages that are not only effective, but also beautifully designed. You can also see multiple sales page structures.

First up is me here at Launch House Co. for my fantastic e-book: “13 Unforgettable Launch Ideas“. Below is the landing page I created for it. This landing page works because it uses vibrant colors and bold imagery to capture attention and encourage visitors to explore my e-book. I also include many opportunities for visitors to get the e-book by including more than one form on the page itself!

13 Unforgettable Launch Ideas - Launch House Co Freebies

Second is this redesign I did for Culture Redesigned’s lead magnet landing page, “The Retention Method”. It is effective because it uses eye-catching visuals to grab the visitor’s attention and clearly communicates the value of the lead magnet. It also includes a clear call-to-action (CTA) button that stands out from the rest of the page.

Culture Redesigned Excellent Sales Landing Page Example

The third sales page example on my list is the one I created for Chris Picone’s new coaching program. This one is an excellent example of a sales page that uses storytelling to connect with its target audience. The page includes customer reviews and clear calls-to-action to move her audience to the next step in selling her program: booking a call with her.

Chris Picone - Sales Landing Page Example

The final one I will show is the sales landing page I created for a workshop that was used in a sales funnel over at Taylor D. Lewis Creative. I love this one because it is visually appealing and uses humor to connect with its target audience. The page highlights the key benefits in a way that is easy for visitors to digest by using icon lists and small paragraphs. It includes multiple clear call-to-actions to sign up and customer testimonials at the end.


Use these examples as inspiration to create a sales landing page that converts and captures the essence of your brand!

Are you looking for excellent ideas to launch your newest product or service?

You’re in luck! We’ve assembled a special e-book with 13 unforgettable launch ideas to excite and surprise you. Whether launching something brand new or revamping an existing offering, these strategies will give you the confidence and inspiration to create something unique and memorable.

You’ll find ideas on using social media, video content, events, and more – all designed just for you. So don’t settle for an uninspiring launch – make it one of the most unforgettable experiences of your life! With my “13 unforgettable launch ideas” e-book, you’ll get access to a wealth of knowledge and insight that will help you create a truly unique and successful product or service launch. Get it here now!

Ready to have a strategically designed sales landing page for your next launch? Talk to me here at Launch House Co. Sales landing pages are my bread and butter, and you bet that I would love to assist you.

Book a call here!

This article may contain affiliate links that provide me with a small fee for any purchases you may decide to make! Please know I would never recommend something I don’t actually think is awesome or have tried myself.



Hey hey! I’m Taylor and welcome to my world of bold and fun marketing! I started this company to bring creative ideas to life and help businesses be unforgettable.

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