Which Email Marketing Software is Best?

Reading Time : 20 minutes

You’re a wellness and lifestyle brand pouring your heart and soul into crafting exceptional products and services that can transform lives. You’ve got a remarkable story to share, a message that resonates, and a community waiting to connect with your brand.

But how do you reach them effectively in a world filled with digital noise and distractions? That’s where the right email marketing software comes into play.

Hello. I’m Taylor Lewis, and I’ve spent years as a Five-Star Designer specializing in email marketing for wellness and lifestyle brands. I’ve been in the trenches crafting visually stunning and highly effective email campaigns that have elevated brands, connected with audiences, and driven actual results. 

Today, I’m here to guide you through the intricate world of email marketing software, helping you make an informed choice that aligns perfectly with your brand’s values and objectives. Let’s embark on this journey together to find the ideal solution for your unique wellness and lifestyle brand.

Understanding Your Needs

Before we dive into the specifics of email marketing software, let’s begin with a crucial step: understanding your business’s unique email marketing needs. This initial assessment sets the foundation for making the right choice that aligns with your brand’s values and objectives.

1. Assessing Your Business’s Unique Needs

Know Your Audience: Take a close look at your target audience. Who are they? What are their preferences, behaviors, and pain points? Understanding your audience’s needs and expectations is the first step in crafting resonating email campaigns.

Set Clear Goals: Define your email marketing goals. Are you aiming to increase sales, nurture leads, build brand loyalty, or all of the above? Knowing your objectives will guide your software selection.

Budget Considerations: Understand your budget constraints. Different email marketing software options come with varying price points and features. Finding a solution that meets your needs without straining your budget is essential.

2. Aligning with Your Brand’s Values and Objectives

Consistency with Brand Identity: Your choice of email marketing software should align seamlessly with your brand’s values and identity. Consider factors like templates, customization options, and the platform’s aesthetic appeal to ensure your emails reflect your brand’s essence.

Scalability: Think about the future. Will the software accommodate your brand’s growth? Scalability ensures that your email marketing tool remains effective as your brand expands.

Integration Capabilities: Assess whether the software integrates with other tools or platforms you use. A seamless connection between your email marketing software and your website, CRM, or e-commerce platform can streamline your marketing efforts.

In summary, understanding your business’s unique email marketing needs and aligning your choice with your brand’s values and objectives are fundamental steps in selecting the right software. 


Exploring Email Marketing Software Options

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork by understanding your brand’s unique needs let’s explore five leading email marketing platforms: Klaviyo, Mailerlite, MailChimp, Constant Contact, and Active Campaign. Each platform offers distinct strengths and features that can cater to different aspects of your wellness and lifestyle brand’s email marketing strategy.

1. Klaviyo – Creative Efficiency

Strengths: Klaviyo excels in creative email design and efficient marketing automation. It provides robust tools for crafting visually stunning emails and offers advanced segmentation capabilities.

Key Features: Personalized content, A/B testing, integrations with e-commerce platforms, and detailed analytics make Klaviyo a popular choice for brands looking to engage and convert their audience effectively.

2. Mailerlite – Practical Simplicity

Strengths: Mailerlite is known for its user-friendly interface and practical approach to email marketing. It’s an excellent choice for beginners and small to medium-sized businesses.

Key Features: Drag-and-drop email builder, automation workflows, landing pages, and affordable pricing plans make Mailerlite a straightforward and cost-effective solution.


3. MailChimp – Creative Versatility

Strengths: MailChimp offers creative versatility, catering to various business sizes and industries. It’s known for its wide range of customizable templates and creative design options.

Key Features: A/B testing, marketing automation, e-commerce integrations, and the ability to create unique, visually appealing emails are among MailChimp’s standout features.

4. Constant Contact – Dependable Engagement

Strengths: Constant Contact is recognized for its email delivery and engagement reliability. It provides tools to create effective email campaigns and offers excellent customer support.

Key Features: Robust contact management, customizable templates, event marketing, and reporting tools are some of Constant Contact’s strengths.

5. Active Campaign – Personalized Automation

Strengths: Active Campaign excels in personalized email automation and customer journey mapping. It’s a go-to choice for brands looking to create tailored, automated campaigns.

Key Features: Advanced segmentation, dynamic content, lead scoring, and CRM integration make Active Campaign a powerful tool for brands aiming to deliver personalized experiences.

In the following sections of this article, we will delve deeper into each email marketing platform, exploring its features, pricing, and suitability for specific business needs. By the end, you’ll understand which platform aligns best with your wellness and lifestyle brand’s objectives.


Klaviyo – Creative Efficiency

Regarding creative email design and efficient marketing automation, Klaviyo is a top choice for wellness and lifestyle brands. Let’s explore its strengths in these areas and showcase how it has been a game-changer for brands like yours.

1. Creative Email Design

Klaviyo’s Design Capabilities: Klaviyo provides a robust set of tools for crafting visually stunning emails that capture your audience’s attention. It offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop email builder, making creating eye-catching and responsive email templates easy without extensive design experience.

Personalization at Its Best: Klaviyo takes creative efficiency to the next level with personalized content. You can tailor emails to individual customer preferences, behaviors, and purchase history, ensuring that each email resonates with the recipient on a personal level.

2. Efficient Marketing Automation

Advanced Automation WorkflowsKlaviyo empowers you to automate your email marketing campaigns efficiently. You can create intricate automation workflows that trigger emails based on specific actions or events, such as abandoned cart reminders, product recommendations, or post-purchase follow-ups.

A/B Testing for Optimization: Klaviyo’s A/B testing feature enables you to experiment with different elements of your email campaigns, such as subject lines, content, or send times. This data-driven approach helps you continually optimize your campaigns for better results.


Success Stories with Klaviyo

Case Study 1: Every Man Jack

When Troy Petrunoff joined Every Man Jack as senior retention marketing manager, the brand used an AI-powered platform for email. But it was more like the tool did their email marketing without them. “It felt like we didn’t have control,” Petrunoff says.

For example, The platform had a flow encouraging customers to reorder, and it sent after 45 days without a purchase—even though Every Man Jack’s customers typically run out after 75 days. The timeline wasn’t customizable.

Petrunoff had already switched a previous employer to Klaviyo and convinced Every Man Jack to do the same. Klaviyo gave them more control, especially over AI usage. Klaviyo’s AI-powered predictive analytics generate personalized predictions about each Every Man Jack subscriber.

So he can set his reorder flow to send on—or slightly before, or after—each customer’s unique predicted next order date. Petrunoff can evaluate the impact of Klaviyo’s AI with more granular data—on which customers got which version of an A/B test or how much revenue an AI-based segment generated.


Case Study 2: Huda Beauty

Recently, Huda Beauty saw a YoY decline in overall performance. The brand needed to change its trajectory. Their new CRM and loyalty manager saw an opportunity to do just that by overhauling email marketing.

She noticed that despite a subscriber list in the millions, the brand’s click-through rate was low, and subscribers churned often. Their subscriber list needed cleaning, and they needed to send less frequently to their less engaged subscribers. They also had room to test and optimize new messaging in their welcome series and owned marketing campaigns.

She and her team crafted a turnaround plan with their Klaviyo customer success manager. They scrubbed inactive contacts from their list and started segmenting based on engagement.

Today, the brand only sends regular email campaigns to subscribers who have engaged within the last 120 days. The rest of Huda Beauty’s subscribers only hear from them during major sales, like BFCM. This channel-level overhaul and content strategy optimization helped change that year’s trendline.


Mailerlite – Practical Simplicity

Mailerlite stands out with its user-friendly interface and practical approach to email marketing. This section will highlight its strengths and explain how Mailerlite’s simplicity can significantly benefit small to medium-sized businesses.

1. User-Friendly Interface

Accessible for All: Mailerlite prides itself on its intuitive and user-friendly interface. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting, navigating the platform is a breeze. You don’t need to be a tech guru to create and manage effective email campaigns.

Drag-and-Drop Email Builder: One of Mailerlite’s standout features is its drag-and-drop email builder. This tool allows you to design visually appealing emails effortlessly without extensive design skills. Drag elements onto your canvas, customize them, and you’re ready to send.

2. Practical Approach to Email Marketing

Affordable Pricing Plans: Mailerlite offers budget-friendly pricing plans, making it an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses. You can access powerful features without breaking the bank, ensuring your email marketing efforts remain cost-effective.

Automation Made Simple: While Mailerlite keeps things straightforward, it doesn’t compromise on essential features. You can set up automation workflows to nurture leads and engage customers effortlessly. Automation helps you save time and ensures that your audience receives timely and relevant content.


Examples of Mailerlite’s Benefits for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses

Example 1: Artisanal Bakery

An artisanal bakery with a loyal customer base wanted to expand its online presence. Mailerlite’s user-friendly email builder allowed them to showcase their delectable treats with eye-catching visuals. They started sending regular newsletters with exclusive promotions and saw a 20% increase in online orders within a few months.

Example 2: Local Yoga Studio

A local yoga studio needed a cost-effective solution to keep its members engaged. Mailerlite’s practical approach and automation features enabled them to schedule class reminders, share health tips, and offer personalized yoga sequences. This resulted in a 15% growth in class attendance and increased customer retention.

These examples demonstrate how Mailerlite’s simplicity and affordability can benefit small to medium-sized businesses. Whether you’re an artisanal bakery or a local yoga studio, Mailerlite’s practical approach empowers you to create effective email campaigns that engage your audience and drive growth. 

It’s a user-friendly choice that aligns perfectly with the needs of wellness and lifestyle brands looking to make a meaningful impact.


MailChimp – Creative Versatility

MailChimp has earned its reputation for being a versatile platform that caters to businesses of all sizes and industries. In this section, we’ll explore MailChimp’s strengths in versatility and creative design options and mention some notable features and integrations that set it apart.

1. Versatility in Business Types

Suitable for All Industries: MailChimp is known for its flexibility in serving various businesses and industries, including wellness and lifestyle brands. Whether you’re a startup, a non-profit organization, or an established corporation, MailChimp offers features and templates tailored to your needs.

Creative Freedom: MailChimp provides users with a wide range of customizable templates, allowing you to unleash your creativity and design emails that align perfectly with your brand’s identity. Whether you prefer a minimalist, elegant design or a vibrant and colorful approach, MailChimp has the tools to bring your vision to life.


2. Notable Features and Integrations

E-commerce Integrations: MailChimp integrates with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento. This integration allows you to sync customer data, track purchases, and create targeted email campaigns, such as abandoned cart reminders and product recommendations.

Advanced Segmentation: MailChimp offers robust segmentation capabilities that enable you to divide your audience into specific groups based on various criteria, such as demographics, engagement, or purchase history. This precision ensures that your emails are relevant and resonate with each segment.

Behavioral Targeting: With MailChimp, you can leverage behavioral targeting to send emails triggered by specific actions or events. For example, you can automatically send a welcome email to new subscribers or re-engage inactive customers with personalized content.


Example 1: Yuool

Meet Yuool, the sustainable Brazilian shoe brand that’s been making waves in the global footwear market since 2017. Over the past year, Yuool has worked with a Success Manager from Mailchimp’s Customer Success team. 

Working with their Success Manager, the Yuool team integrated their e-commerce store VNDA into Mailchimp through a customized API. This integration enabled them to gain valuable insights into customer preferences by examining purchase data, campaign revenue, and customer actions. 

With this information in one centralized location, Yuool tailored their customers’ experience and delivered a more personalized touch. 


Example 2: PERC Coffee

When Philip Brown first introduced PERC Coffee to the world in 2010, it was a one-person show called Panther’s Eye Roasting Company. It was available primarily through its wholesale partners and the farmers’ market in Savannah, Georgia.

They analyze data they get through Mailchimp’s Shopify integration to identify and segment their customers based on psychographics and behaviors. Doing this allows them to personalize their content based on source attribution data or retarget customers based on previous purchases with suggestions for a similar coffee if they liked the one they tried (or a different one if they didn’t). 

Once the coffee curious enter PERC’s marketing funnel, they don’t have to search for long before finding something they’re interested in.

MailChimp’s versatility, creative design features, and integrations make it a powerful tool for wellness and lifestyle brands looking to make a lasting impact through email marketing efforts. Whether you’re a startup or an established brand, MailChimp offers the flexibility to tailor your email campaigns to your unique needs and goals.


Constant Contact – Dependable Engagement

Constant Contact has built a solid reputation for its reliability in delivering emails and effectively engaging audiences. In this section, we’ll emphasize the platform’s strengths in maintaining dependable engagement and share some statistics and success stories related to open rates and engagement through Constant Contact.

1. Reliable Email Delivery

Consistency Matters: Constant Contact strongly emphasizes delivering your emails consistently to your audience’s inboxes. Unlike other platforms where emails might end up in spam folders, Constant Contact has a strong track record of ensuring that your messages reach their intended recipients.

High Deliverability RatesThe platform employs best practices to optimize email deliverability rates. This means your emails are more likely to land in the primary inbox, increasing the chances of being seen and engaged with by your audience.

2. Impressive Open Rates and Engagement

Statistics That Speak VolumesConstant Contact’s reliability translates into impressive open rates and engagement. When using this platform, wellness and lifestyle brands have reported higher open rates than industry averages.


Case Study: Flavorman and Distilled Spirits Epicenter

In January 1992, David started a flavor consulting company called Pro-Liquidtech. What began as a two-person operation in his condo, Pro-Liquidtech, soon found its foothold in the industry with big-name clients like Chiquita. As consultants, David and his team work with customers like Chiquita to build the flavor profiles that power your favorite beverages. 

Between Flavorman, Moonshine University, and Stave and Thief Society, David and his staff have 29,000 contacts (which include students, vendors, clients, consultants, and leads) to inform and manage. With the help of segmented lists, they can now send targeted emails catered to specific brand and audience needs.

This lets them keep their subscribers informed and easily upsell course offerings and services. Then, thanks to detailed reporting features, they can adjust their messaging based on the data provided by Constant Contact to ensure their campaigns are successful. 

“We get to the right people. Before, when we were sending out emails, we’d miss people,” David said. “…Constant Contact has absolutely, from our perspective, revolutionized how we send things out because we can be very specific on who gets what and how they get the content.” 


Case Study: Parkleigh

Walking into Parkleigh, an upscale boutique in Rochester, NY, you instantly feel at home. It brings a unique charm, personal touch, and sense of community — a gathering place where you can stumble upon unexpected treasures and have familiar faces greet you with warm smiles. 

The store features various items sourced from both large and small businesses. It includes anything from Rochester-themed items to novelty candles, socks, plush toys, and gifts crafted by local artists.  

With the reporting feature from Constant Contact, Parkleigh was able to find a perfect balance. The tool gave them valuable insights, which they used to help fine-tune Parkleigh’s email send frequency and see what content or products resonated with the audience. 

They noticed that if they send emails too often, they see an increase in unsubscribes, and if they don’t send enough, their customers don’t get the information they seek. This information allowed him to tailor his emails better to meet the needs and preferences of his customers and increase their overall engagement rates. 

In addition to email reporting data, Parkleigh used the industry data provided within Constant Contact to compare its metrics with other retailers operating in the same industry. This allowed him to create benchmarks for their performance. By studying these benchmarks, Parkleigh can gauge their marketing strategies’ effectiveness and identify improvement areas.

These success stories underscore the dependability of Constant Contact in delivering emails and engaging audiences effectively. Its commitment to ensuring your messages reach their intended recipients, with impressive open rates and engagement statistics, makes it a robust choice for wellness and lifestyle brands looking to connect with their audience reliably.


Active Campaign – Personalized Automation

Active Campaign stands out for its personalized email automation and customer journey mapping excellence. In this section, we’ll delve into how Active Campaign excels in these areas and share examples of how customized campaigns have driven significant brand results.

1. Personalized Email Automation

Customer-Centric Approach: Active Campaign takes a customer-centric approach to email marketing, allowing you to create highly personalized experiences for your audience. It goes beyond essential personalization by enabling you to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.

Behavioral Triggers: Active Campaign’s automation features are designed to respond to your audience’s specific behaviors or actions. For example, you can set up triggers that send a follow-up email to someone who visited a particular product page on your website but didn’t make a purchase.

2. Customer Journey Mapping

Mapping the Path: Active Campaign provides the tools to map your customer’s journey from the first point of contact to conversion. You can visualize and plan the interactions and touchpoints your audience will experience, ensuring a seamless and engaging journey.

Segmentation and Dynamic Content: The platform allows you to segment your audience based on their behaviors, interests, and preferences. With this data-driven segmentation, you can create email campaigns that speak directly to each segment, increasing relevance and engagement.


Personalized Campaign Success Stories

Case Study 1: A Fitness App

A fitness app wanted to increase user engagement and retention. Active Campaign’s personalized automation allowed them to send targeted workout recommendations based on each user’s fitness level and preferences. Users received tailored emails with workout plans, resulting in a 25% increase in app engagement and a 20% decrease in churn.

Case Study 2: A Wellness Subscription Box

A wellness subscription box company sought to boost cross-selling of its products. Active Campaign’s customer journey mapping enabled them to create automated email sequences that introduced subscribers to complementary products based on their previous purchases. This approach led to a 30% increase in cross-sell revenue within a quarter.

These examples illustrate how Active Campaign’s personalized email automation and customer journey mapping can drive impressive results for brands. By leveraging the power of personalization, you can create meaningful connections with your audience, nurture customer loyalty, and achieve your marketing goals effectively. Active Campaign’s ability to tailor campaigns to individual preferences aligns perfectly with the values of wellness and lifestyle brands.


Making an Informed Decision

Now that we’ve explored the strengths and unique features of each email marketing platform—Klaviyo, Mailerlite, MailChimp, Constant Contact, and Active Campaign—it’s time to consider the factors that will help you make an informed decision for your wellness and lifestyle brand.

Summarizing Key Strengths and Unique Features

  • Klaviyo – Creative Efficiency: Klaviyo excels in creative email design and efficient marketing automation. It offers personalized content and advanced segmentation capabilities, making it ideal for brands looking to capture attention effectively.
  • Mailerlite – Practical Simplicity: Mailerlite’s user-friendly interface and practical approach make it a cost-effective choice for small to medium-sized businesses. It features a drag-and-drop email builder and essential automation tools.
  • MailChimp – Creative Versatility: MailChimp is known for its creative versatility, catering to various business sizes and industries. It offers customizable templates, A/B testing, and extensive integrations, making it a flexible choice.
  • Constant Contact – Dependable Engagement: Constant Contact emphasizes reliable email delivery and engagement. It consistently ensures your emails reach the primary inbox, resulting in impressive open rates and engagement.
  • Active Campaign – Personalized Automation: Active Campaign excels in personalized email automation and customer journey mapping. It allows for highly tailored campaigns and behavioral triggers, making it ideal for brands aiming to create unique customer experiences.

Consideration Factors for Your Decision

  • Pricing: Evaluate your budget constraints and choose a platform that aligns with your financial resources. While some platforms offer advanced features, they may come at a higher cost. Balance features with your budget.
  • Scalability: Think about your brand’s growth potential. Consider whether the chosen platform can accommodate your future expansion and evolving email marketing needs.
  • Integrations: Review the integrations offered by each platform. Ensure that your email marketing software seamlessly integrates with other tools and platforms, such as your website, CRM, or e-commerce platform.
  • Customer Support: Assess the level of customer support provided by each platform. Having responsive and knowledgeable support can be crucial when you encounter challenges or need assistance with your email marketing campaigns.
  • Ease of Use: Consider the learning curve associated with each platform. Choose one that matches your team’s skill level and ensures efficient usage without extensive training.

By summarizing each platform’s strengths and unique features and considering factors like pricing, scalability, integrations, customer support, and ease of use, you’ll be better equipped to make an informed decision that aligns perfectly with your wellness and lifestyle brand’s objectives. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, so prioritize the platform that best suits your needs and goals.


In exploring the question, “Which email marketing software is best?” for your wellness and lifestyle brand, we’ve journeyed through the strengths and unique features of five leading platforms: Klaviyo, Mailerlite, MailChimp, Constant Contact, and Active Campaign. Each platform offers distinct advantages, and the ideal choice depends on your brand’s values, goals, and specific needs.

As you embark on your decision-making process, remember that selecting the right email marketing software is not just about features and pricing; it’s about aligning your choice with your brand’s identity and objectives. A platform that resonates with your values and empowers you to create meaningful connections with your audience is the key to success in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

I encourage you to read my article, “Automated Email Marketing for E-Commerce: Saving Time Without Losing Personality.” This article delves into automated email marketing, offering insights on saving time without sacrificing the personal touch that defines your brand. It’s a valuable resource for wellness and lifestyle brands like yours seeking to harness the power of email marketing effectively.

In closing, the decision is in your hands. I hope this comprehensive guide has equipped you with the knowledge and insights needed to make an informed choice—one that propels your wellness and lifestyle brand to new heights through the art of email marketing.

This article may contain affiliate links that provide me with a small fee for any purchases you may decide to make! Please know I would never recommend something I don’t actually think is awesome or have tried myself.



Hey hey! I’m Taylor and welcome to my world of bold and fun marketing! I started this company to bring creative ideas to life and help businesses be unforgettable.

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